Robotics Engineering Capstone

Robotics Engineering Capstone

Expand range of coding skills to include conditional logic; apply coding skills to a project-based learning challenge.

Sequence: Young Engineers

Grade: Second

Hours of Instruction: 30 - 45

Course Description

Students develop increasingly complex coding skills and apply them to a project-based learning capstone.

Students integrate increasingly complex logic into their coding projects by creating a state machine that enables Thymio to respond to similar inputs in multiple ways within the same program. Students learn to access Thymio’s onboard accelerometer, and to develop code which allows Thymio to respond to changes in physical orientation. Students work independently to develop customized projects, and take greater responsibility for debugging their code. Students apply their coding tools to a final project, programming Thymio to act as a mobile “barcode” scanner which acts out a different behavior sequence depending upon the visual input each barcode provides.

Educational Standards

Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)

Game Design:

Chapter Subchapter Course Application
126.40.c.1 B Use a problem-solving model that incorporates analyzing given information, formulating a plan or strategy, determining a solution, justifying the solution, and evaluating the problem-solving process and the reasonableness of the solution.
126.40.c.2 A-B Produce a prototype; present it using a variety of media.
126.40.c.2 C-E Use the design process to construct a robot; refine the design of a robot; build robots of simple, moderate, and advanced complexity.
126.40.c.2 F Improve a robot design to meet a specified need.
126.40.c.2 G Demonstrate an understanding of and create artificial intelligence in a robot.
126.40.c.2 H Create behavior-based control algorithms.
126.40.c.5 A Develop algorithms to control a robot, including applying instructions, collecting sensor data, and performing simple tasks.
126.40.c.5 B-C create maneuvering algorithms to physically move the location of a robot and provide interaction with a robot.
126.40.c.7 B Identify and describe the steps needed to produce a prototype.
126.40.c.7 D Demonstrate the use of computers to manipulate a robot.
126.40.c.7 F, H, & I Demonstrate knowledge of different types of sensors used in robotics; implement multiple sensors in a robot; interpret sensor feedback and calculate threshold values.
126.40.c.7 N Demonstrate robot navigation.
126.40.c.7 P Program a robot to perform simple tasks, including following lines, moving objects, and avoiding obstacles.


Key Objectives

Students will:
  • Utilize the state machine design pattern to increase Thymio’s ability to respond to multiple situations with varying behavior.
  • Identify the link between Thymio’s reaction to accelerometer input and the motion of 3-D objects in the world around them.
  • Work with classmates to share knowledge and become more expert at debugging code.
  • Apply coding and project management skills to the execution of an introductory project-based learning challenge.


  • Robotics Engineering Capstone Teacher’s Kit
  • Robotics Engineering Capstone Classroom Activity Kit

Other Required Resources

  • Computer, one per student
  • ASEBA Studio software


Apple Windows Chrome