Game Development Capstone

Game Development Capstone

Application of a full suite of game development skills to the creation of a team-based capstone project.

Sequence: Digital Arts and Animation

Grade: Eighth: Game Dev Track

Hours of Instruction: 60 - 75

Course Description

Students work in teams and traverse the entire game development cycle from concept to executable game.

Students experience the entire software development life cycle of a game, working as a group of four students to brainstorm, develop, and produce a game from start to finish. Each student holds two of the following roles: storytelling, art and sounds, programming, and level design. Students traverse the game development process, beginning with concepting their game acquiring project management and agile development skills to create a working timeline. Students create a Game Design Document, a technical document that thoroughly describes the overall narrative, the platform and technology, and a detailed game storyline, and gives a clear description of the gameplay methods. Students then develop an initial version of their game which undergoes beta testing, a process in which students from other groups look for bugs and areas of the game that are weak narratively or gameplay-wise. Students iterate upon their game, making changes based on the feedback received, before publishing their game product to a shareable website where anyone can play it. Students apply the game development skills they have already learned in previous years throughout this process; the goal of the course is to experience the production process in a team environment, learn to adapt and solve problems, and create a visually and narratively stunning game project to enhance their portfolios.

Educational Standards

Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)

Chapter Subchapter Course Application
126.38.c.2 A Design and implement procedures to set timelines for, track the progress of, and evaluate a game product.
126.38.c.2 B Seek and respond to input from peers and professionals in evaluating a game project.
126.38.c.4 B Write programs using variables of different data types.
126.38.c.6 B Generate random numbers in a program.
126.38.c.6 C Create a program implementing conditional statements.
126.38.c.6 S Demonstrate an understanding of player progression, including leveling, linear progression, and maintaining high score data.


Key Objectives

Students will:
  • Work in teams to traverse the software development life cycle, resulting in a final game product.
  • Utilize storyboarding, brainstorming, and narrative scripting experience to create a plan for their game.
  • Acquire project management and Agile development skills to assign tasks and pace their project appropriately.
  • Identify the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for their game, and set development schedule accordingly.
  • Apply programming and logic skills learned in previous years to the development of a video game.
  • Implement critical thinking skills to the processing of peer feedback and the resulting iteration of game content.


  • Game Development Capstone Classroom Activity Kit

Other Required Resources

  • Computer, one per student
  • ClickTeam Fusion


Apple Windows