Digital Animation Capstone

Digital Animation Capstone

Continuation of 3D production and post-production processes plus the creation of a capstone project.

Sequence: Digital Arts and Animation

Grade: Eighth: Digital Animation Track

Hours of Instruction: 60 - 70

Course Description

Students expand their 3D animation skills, gain post-production process skills, and create a summative 3D capstone project.

Students acquire and apply lighting and rendering skills to the customization of a 3D environment, and utilize compositing and video-editing skills as they enter the post-production phase of the animation process. Students refine their skills by adjusting the lighting and textures in provided scenes to meet specific criteria. Students place varying types of lights in a 3D environment, and learn to adjust light types, color, and intensity based on the time of day and mood of the scene. Students will learn the basic camera and rendering options in Maya, as well as the basics of compositing and movie output in After Effects. Finally, students will apply 3D animation production and post-production skills to a capstone project in which a 3D ball must navigate through an obstacle course.

Educational Standards

Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)

Chapter Subchapter Course Application
126.43.3 G Create planning designs such as rough sketches, storyboards, and brainstorming materials.
126.43.4 D Apply a variety of color schemes such as monochromatic, analogous, complementary, primary/secondary triads, cool/warm colors, and split complements to digital designs.
126.43.4 E Use the basic concepts of color and design theory such as working with 3-D models and environments, characters, objects, and other cast members as needed for the animation.
126.43.4 F Use the appropriate rendering techniques to create an animation.
1126.43.4 G Use a variety of lighting techniques such as shadow, shading, point, spot, directional, and ambient to create effects; and
126.43.4 H Define the design attributes and requirements of a 3-D animation project.


Key Objectives

Students will:
  • Utilize 3D animation, compositing, and video editing software to perform the steps of the post-production process.
  • Practice camera layout, 3D animation, lighting, compositing, and rendering techniques and processes.
  • Acquire a honed sense of color and lighting, and how changes to these elements affect the perception of an otherwise identical scene.
  • Apply all Digital Arts and Animation skills to the creation of a Rube-Goldberg-esque obstacle course animation.


  • Digital Animation Capstone Classroom Activity Kit

Other Required Resources

  • Computer, one per student
  • Adobe Creative Cloud applications (Photoshop, Premiere, After Effects, and Animate)
  • Autodesk (Maya, Mudbox)


Apple Windows