Gateway to Robotics

Gateway to Robotics

Hands-on activities exploring electronics systems that make robots work.

Sequence: Young Engineers

Grade: Kindergarten

Hours of Instruction: 30 - 45

Course Description

Students gain familiarity with electronic systems and logical inferencing tools that support all subsequent engineering and coding studies.

In the first portion of this course, students explore a range of simple electronics circuits and then create their own devices using batteries, LED lights, buzzers, motors, and switches. Through hands-on learning projects students develop accurate theories about how electricity works, which they will later apply when describing how a more complex machine, the Thymio educational robot, functions. In the second portion of this course, students learn basic skills for operating Thymio robots by using its onboard sensors to interact with surrounding objects. Students guide the Thymio robot through a series of interactive physical challenges, each of which develops logical reasoning skills, including prediction, inferencing, and project planning.

Educational Standards

Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)

Chapter Subchapter Course Application
126.40.c.1 C Select tools, including real objects, manipulatives, paper and pencil, and technology as appropriate, and techniques, including mental math, estimation, and number sense as appropriate, to solve problems.
126.40.c.7 B Identify and describe the steps needed to produce a prototype.
126.40.c.7 F Demonstrate knowledge of different types of sensors used in robotics.
126.40.c.7 J Demonstrate knowledge of motors, gears, and gear trains used in a robot.


Key Objectives

Students will:
  • Develop experimentation and observation skills while exploring how electricity works.
  • Design and build simple circuits using basic electronics components.
  • Transfer electronics concepts to the operation of Thymio robots.
  • Develop logical inferencing skills while predicting the interaction of robots with their physical environment.
  • Apply planning and prediction skills to physical navigation challenges using Thymio robots.


  • Gateway to Robotics Teacher’s Kit
  • Gateway to Robotics Classroom Activity Kit

Other Required Resources

Computer, one for teacher


Apple Windows