Physical Computing with Python

Physical Computing with Python

Deepen understanding of how Python works, and apply coding skills to the micro:bit circuit board.

Sequence: Introduction to Coding with Python

Grade: Fourth

Hours of Instruction: 30 - 45

Course Description

Students acquire a greater range of Python skills, and apply them to hands-on projects for the micro:bit physical computing platform.

Students review prior Python coding skills, including input and output commands, control statements, variables and data types, and function declarations. During the first half of the year students build new skills, including string and array manipulation as well as more advanced control statements. Students apply these new skills by developing a secret message encoder/decoder and a working restaurant menu app. Later in the year, students explore physical computing by writing Python code to control micro:bits, small but sophisticated computers that interact with the physical world. Students program their micro:bits to sound an alarm when they detect movement, to send wireless messages via Bluetooth radio, and to display custom animation sequences. Students combine these skills for their final coding project, an interactive video game.

Educational Standards

Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)

Game Design:

Chapter Subchapter Course Application
126.40.c.1 A Apply mathematics to problems arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace.
126.40.c.1 F Analyze mathematical relationships to connect and communicate mathematical ideas.
126.40.c.3 A, B & C Demonstrate an understanding of and implement design teams; use design teams to solve problems; serve as a team leader and a team member.
126.40.c.3 D, E, F, G & H Describe a problem and identify design specifications; design a solution to a problem and share a solution through various media; document prototypes, adjustments, and corrections in the design process; document a final design and solution; and present a final design, testing results, and solution.
126.40.c.4 Locate, analyze, process, and organize data.
126.40.c.5 D Demonstrate an understanding of and use output commands, variables, and sequence programming structure.
126.40.c.5 E Demonstrate an understanding of and use jumps, loops, and selection programming structures.
126.40.c.5 G Apply decision-making strategies when developing solutions.
126.40.c.7 E Demonstrate knowledge of process control design factors.
126.40.c.7 F Demonstrate knowledge of different types of sensors used in robotics.
126.40.c.7 I Interpret sensor feedback and calculate threshold values.
126.40.c.7 R Demonstrate knowledge of feedback control loops to provide information.


Key Objectives

Students will:
  • Review foundational Python coding skills.
  • Acquire string and array manipulation skills.
  • Acquire greater breadth and sophistication of programming logic with more advanced control statements.
  • Apply coding skills to the real-world problem of encoding and decoding text.
  • Acquire access skills for working with the micro:bit physical computing platform.
  • Develop applications for micro:bit that physically interact with users.
  • Utilize the sum of Python and micro:bit coding knowledge to develop an interactive game.


  • Physical Coding with Python Teacher’s Kit
  • Physical Coding with Python Activity Kit

Other Required Resources

  • Computer, one per student
  • Mu micro:bit code editor


Apple Windows