Python Coding Capstone

Python Coding Capstone

Capstone projects challenge students to apply the full range of their coding skills to a project-based learning challenge.

Sequence: Introduction to Coding with Python

Grade: Fifth

Hours of Instruction: 30 - 45

Course Description

Students plan and execute two major projects: one utilizing the micro:bit’s Bluetooth radio communications, the other using more advanced Python tools including classes and logic trees.

Students review the full range of Python coding skills taught in this introductory sequence, from basic syntax and variable types through complex control statements. They will learn to use classes, an intermediate level coding tool which allows for related data and functions to be grouped together and easily reused. With their basic coding toolkit now complete, students will develop and produce two significant capstone projects. The first is a physical computing project using micro:bit boards in which students create a distributed network of physical intrusion detectors that communicate with one another over Bluetooth radio. The final project is an open-ended, real-world project for which students must design, test, iterate, and implement a working solution.

Educational Standards

Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)

Game Design:

Chapter Subchapter Course Application
126.40.c.1 A Apply mathematics to problems arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace;
126.40.c.1 F Analyze mathematical relationships to connect and communicate mathematical ideas; and
126.40.c.2 A, B Produce a prototype; present a prototype using a variety of media;
126.40.c.2 C, D, E & F Use the design process to construct a robot; refine the design of a robot; build robots of simple, moderate, and advanced complexity; improve a robot design to meet a specified need;
126.40.c.2 G, H Demonstrate an understanding of and create artificial intelligence in a robot; create behavior-based control algorithms.
126.40.c.3 A, B & C Demonstrate an understanding of and implement design teams; use design teams to solve problems; serve as a team leader and a team member.
126.40.c.3 D, E, F, G & H Describe a problem and identify design specifications; design a solution to a problem and share a solution through various media; document prototypes, adjustments, and corrections in the design process; document a final design and solution; and present a final design, testing results, and solution.
126.40.c.4 Locate, analyze, process, and organize data.
126.40.c.5 D Demonstrate an understanding of and use output commands, variables, and sequence programming structure.
126.40.c.5 E Demonstrate an understanding of and use jumps, loops, and selection programming structures.
126.40.c.5 G Apply decision-making strategies when developing solutions.
126.40.c.7 E Demonstrate knowledge of process control design factors.


Key Objectives

Students will:
  • Develop an understanding of classes and custom data structures.
  • Practice design thinking and incorporate it into the project management process.
  • Design, develop, and test possible solutions.
  • Identify specific coding tools that will meet the goals of their project.
  • Implement code-based solution, generate feedback from its performance, and revise as needed to perform smoothly.


  • Python Coding Capstone Teacher’s Kit
  • Python Coding Capstone Classroom Activity Kit

Other Required Resources

  • Computer, one per student
  • Mu micro:bit code editor


Apple Windows Chrome